Successfully shaping transformation
Change takes time. Or the right mindset.
We use the power of your organization to create a willingness for change and to explore new paths together. Our methodology has proven effective for more than 20 years - in SMEs and corporations alike. Start your transformation process with us now. Become what gets you further: more agile, more digital, future-proof.
Diffuse pressure for change
The company must transform itself in order to remain successful in the long term. The causes are unclear. A concrete vision with clear goals is missing.
lack of resources
There are insufficient resources available for the transformation process. The management and implementation of the transformation is ineffective.
The change process is slow and important stakeholders are not on board. Tensions are increasing and focus is lost.
Those responsible lack the know-how to design and implement complex transformation processes.
Transformation begins with communication.
We see ourselves as your strategic partner: As external consultants, we have a clear advantage when it comes to bringing in new perspectives. From the outside, we intervene in the organization in a targeted manner and enable changes along the dimensions of strategy, structure and culture. We involve all relevant levels and stakeholders. This is the most effective way to achieve sustainable, measurable results.

More than half of all transformations fail.
Not with us.
Step by step to a new mindset.
Changes require not only courage, but also the action of each individual. This makes consistent involvement of everyone involved all the more crucial - across all departments and all levels of management. This is the only way to create a new corporate culture that sustains transformations and produces measurable success.
Learn key intervention techniques and conversation techniques that promote cooperation.
Improve your leadership style with systemic questioning techniques: circular questions, hypothetical questions, scaling questions, solution-oriented questions.
Use systemic work in different contexts: clarification of the task, reflection loop, contextualization.
The seminar
In two three-day sessions, you will learn the basics of systemic leadership. We will teach you tools for leadership in complex situations, which you will practice in small groups using role-playing based on real-life applications. It is important to us that all participants can try things out freely in order to achieve the greatest possible learning success. When putting together the groups, we make sure, wherever possible, that there is no connection between the participants that would limit them in the role-play.
Strengthen your ability for self-reflection for your own systemic work and an effective leadership style.
Your benefits
Confidential atmosphere (max. 15 participants)
Small practice groups
At least 2 experienced trainers
The focus is on the participants’ cases
Implementation-oriented solutions are developed together
Intensive exchange and exciting encounters
goal setting
Together with you, we develop clear goals for your transformation – aligned with your corporate strategy.
We consistently involve everyone involved in the process – always on an equal footing and across all management levels.
Innovation projects and technological improvements are integrated into the transformation process in parallel.
success control
We aim for a rapid impact from all measures. To achieve this, we establish transformation as part of your corporate culture, the basis for sustainable success.