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Systemic Compact

*The seminar content is currently being revised and further developed. We will inform you about new dates here shortly!

Organisations and companies in the modern world increasingly have to react successfully, efficiently and flexibly to market environments that are becoming ever more complex, global and dynamic.

To achieve this, they need an open leadership culture and a broadened understanding of leadership and management. A method that allows them both to view change holistically and at the same time resolve business, interpersonal and organisational culture problems. In other words, a systemic approach that

  • enhances the ability of organisations and businesses to resolve problems,
  • creates the framework for quick decision making and sustainable implementation,
  • makes optimal use of the potential in employees and teams,
  • encourages and develops entrepreneurship, and
  • establishes an environment based on respect and an organisational culture that welcomes self-motivation and initiative.

The systemic way of working offers an expanded approach to leadership and management that is already being used successfully by many organisations and enterprises around the globe. It encourages and empowers motivated, entrepreneurial, independent thinkers who are willing to make their knowledge, experience and strengths available to their company or organisation.

Our “Systemic Compact” seminar provides participants with deeper insight into the systemic approach and teaches them how to use specific systemic methods.


In this seminar, participants will discover and learn

  • the basic attitude behind systemic thinking and working,
  • how to use core systemic tools (dialogue techniques, questioning techniques and other interventions),
  • a model to moderate group processes and communicate in a manner that promotes and encourages cooperation,
  • how to strengthen their ability to reflect on their own systemic work.


Concrete case studies from the participants’ own area of practice are used to convey the basics of the systemic approach in a way they can relate to. The theoretical input is enhanced and consolidated using exercises, case studies and role playing.


  • External and internal business and systemic process consultants
  • Managers and key members of staff
  • HR and organisational developers
  • Trainers, moderators and mediators


The Systemic Compact programme is made up of two modules led by Renate Glaser and Claudia Holz. The modules focus on the following topics:

  • Systemic paradigms, constructivism, systemic principles
  • Systemic question techniques (circular questions, hypothetical questions, scaling questions, solution-oriented questions)
  • Dialogue framing
  • The systemic approach in different contexts: clarifying the brief, reflection loop, contextualisation
  • Core intervention techniques
  • Reflecting team, reframing
  • Dialogue that promotes cooperation
  • The systemic approach in the agile leadership context

Dates & Downloads


Lilly Köhler

Junior Specialist Learning & Development, Drees & Sommer

„Die Ausbildung war für mich sehr wertvoll und super realitätsnah. Insgesamt finde ich es gut, dass in der Ausbildung so viel geübt und der Fokus auf praxisnahe Fälle gelegt wird; dadurch wird einem der Transfer in den Arbeitsalltag sehr leicht gemacht. Man bekommt eine ganz andere Haltung und viele neue Blickwinkel mit, auch dadurch, dass die anderen TeilnehmerInnen Feedback geben und aus einem anderen beruflichen Kontext kommen. Die digitale Durchführung hat das zweite Modul noch intensiver und komprimierter gemacht. Jüngeren und älteren Führungskräften oder Personen, die in einer HR-Rolle viele Beratungs- und Entwicklungsgespräche führen, würde ich diese Ausbildung besonders empfehlen.“

Christoph Suter

Leiter Human Resources, Stadler Bussnang AG

„Ich fand die Ausbildung sehr spannend und gut dosiert und habe sehr viel gelernt. Für ein gutes Gesprächsergebnis ist es für Vorgesetzte, Berater und Coaches wichtig, ein Thema aus vielen unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln auszuleuchten und nicht sofort in Lösungen zu springen. Dass mein Gegenüber durch gezielte systemische Fragen selbst auf die Lösung kommen kann, entlastet mich als Vorgesetzten ungemein; denn gemeinsam gefundene Lösungen werden von den Mitarbeitenden viel mehr getragen. Wenn ich in der systemischen Gesprächsführung stark bin, kann ich an jedes Problem ran.“

Fees & Registration

Participation fees:
EUR 3,500 plus 20 % VAT (2x 2,5 days).

Office Königswieser & Network

The seminar trainers will contact you personally as part of the registration process.

Cancellation fees:

  • up to 5 weeks prior to the start of the seminar – no cancellation fee

  • up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the seminar – 50 % of the seminar fee

  • later – 100 % of the seminar fee