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Gregor Mainusch

Degree in Sociology and Business Science
ODI Management Trainer
Expert in Organizational Dynamics

After completing his vocational training as an industrial clerk and marketing assistant in Berlin and Milan, Gregor Mainusch augmented his early business experience with a degree from the University of Hamburg, where he majored in Strategy Implementation. He then worked for several years as a business consultant, focusing from the outset on holistic organizational and training development.

He then changed sides and spent the next 15 years working successfully in an HR and organizational development capacity for a number of major international pharmaceutical and medical technology firms. His focus thereby lay in particular on international executive and talent development, organizational, team and corporate culture development as well as the creation of corporate universities.

Gregor has extensive experience in Europe-wide and international HR and organizational development projects. Alongside his strategic and conceptional roles, he always also served as an internal trainer and coach.

For the last five years, Gregor has been working as an independent consultant and trainer in the executive development, transformation and new work fields and offers his consulting services in English, German and Italian. His great passion lies in determining how HR and organizational development levers can transform corporate business strategies in a simple and pragmatic manner and helping companies to set up the necessary internal transformers to bring about this change.

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